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๐Ÿ’ป Usageยค

๐Ÿ“– Tests parametersยค

Global parameters:

Argument Description Default Value
--dir Output directory to create temp/
--build_dir Build directory to create build/
--tests_dir Tests directory to create build/
--iter Number of iterations per test 1
--internal_iteration Number of Ivy iterations per test 100
--getstats Print all stats True
--compile Compile Ivy tests True
--run Launch or not the tested implementation True
--timeout Timeout 100 sec
--keep_alive Keep alive Ivy implementation False
--update_ivy Update <include> folder for picoTLS files of Ivy (defined by g++) True
--docker Use docker True
--gperf gperf False
--gdb Use gdb to debug False
--memprof Perform memory profiling False
--localhost Use localhost network True
--vnet Use virtual network False
--shadow Use Shadow simulator False
--webapp WebApp UI False
--worker Worker server mode False

Simulator parameters:

Argument Description Default Value
--loss Shadow: loss percentage 0
--jitter Shadow: jitter in milliseconds 10
--latency Shadow: latency in milliseconds 10

QUIC parameters:

Argument Description Default Value
--nb_request Number of request send by implementations (not always possible) 10
--initial_version Initial version for protocol testing 1
--nclient Number of clients per test for server implementation 1
--alpn Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation options hq-interop, hq-29, hq-28

BGP parameters:

CoAP parameters:

๐Ÿ’ป Single implementation (Command Line)ยค

# Start a Docker container for interactive Bash access
IMPLEM="picoquic" make start-bash
python3 --mode client --categories all --update_include_tls \
        --timeout 180 --implementations $(IMPLEM) --iter $(ITER) --compile  --initial_version 29 --alpn hq-29  
# Example: Runs a Docker container with 'picoquic' for interactive Bash access

Update the docker-compose.yml file with the protocol implementation and run the following command:

# Compose the full Docker environment for all implementations
make compose

Then go to to access the WebApp.

๐Ÿ“– Tutorialยค


This quick guide assists you in using the Ivy QUIC web application for testing QUIC implementations.

First go to:

Configuration Steps:

  1. Choose Protocol: Start by selecting the protocol (QUIC, MINIP, BGP) you want to test.

Choose Protocol

  1. Set Network Type: Opt for localhost, vnet, or shadow based on your network testing environment.

  2. Global Parameters: Define directories for output, build, and tests using the 'Browse...' options and set the iteration count.

  3. Debugging Options: Toggle performance and memory profiling tools like gperf, gdb, and memprof as needed.

Set Global parameters

  1. Adjust Test Settings: Customize Shadow parameters such as loss, jitter, and latency for simulation accuracy.

Adjust Test Settings

  1. Protocol custom configuration: Set the number of requests, initial version, number of clients, and ALPN for, e.g QUIC tests.

QUIC Verification

  1. Select Tests: Choose from server, client, and MIM tests to target specific aspects of the QUIC protocol.

Select Tests

  1. Implementation Testing: Pick the QUIC implementation you want to test from the available options.

  2. Start Experiments: Hit 'Start Experiments' to begin the testing process with your configured settings.

Implementation Testing

Running the Tests:

After setup, monitor the tests' progress and analyze the results. Make adjustments and re-run as necessary to ensure thorough testing.

Refer to the in-app documentation for detailed instructions or contact support for troubleshooting assistance.

Note that the similar approach can be used in the command line.

๐Ÿ’ป Adding new protocolยค

  1. Add the corresponding configuration files in src/panther/configs/<new_protocol>/:
    • Host related configurations:
      • src/panther/configs/<new_protocol>/implem-server/: configuration files for the server implementation
      • src/panther/configs/<new_protocol>/implem-client/: configuration files for the client implementation
      • (src/panther/configs/<new_protocol>/implem-<host_type>/: configuration files for the implementation)
    • Protocol related configurations:
      • src/panther/configs/<new_protocol>/[default_]<new_protocol>_config.ini
      • src/panther/configs/<new_protocol>/default_<new_protocol>_implem.ini
  2. Create a folder in panther/panther_worker/app/implementations/<new_protocol>-implementations/ for the new protocol implementation
  3. Add in src/panther/ and in src/panther/panther_runner/panther_<new_protocol> the new protocol implementation Runner.
  4. Add in src/panther/panther_tester/panther_<new_protocol> the new protocol implementation Tester.
  5. Add in src/panther/panther_stats/panther_<new_protocol> the new protocol implementation stats collector.

๐Ÿ’ป Adding new protocol implementationยค

  1. Create the corresponding Dockerfile in src/containers/Dockerfile.<implem>, it should run over Ubuntu 20.04

    ARG image
    FROM $image:latest
    ADD panther/panther_worker/app/implementations/<protocol>-implementations/<implem> /PANTHER/implementations/<protocol>-implementations/<implem>
    WORKDIR /PANTHER/implementations/<protocol>-implementations/<implem>/
    ### Install dependencies

  2. Add the corresponding configuration file in src/panther/configs/<protocol>/.../<implem>.ini

  3. Build the docker image with IMPLEM=<implem> make build-docker
    • Also update the Makefile to add the new implementation (commit, building, etc)
  4. Add the new implementation in docker-compose.yml file such as:
        hostname: <implem>-ivy
        container_name: <implem>-ivy
        image: "<implem>-ivy:latest"
        command: python3 --update_ivy --getstats --worker --compile  --docker
          - "<new_pรดrt>:80"
          - ${PWD}/src/webapp/
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/res/shadow/shadow_client_test.yml:/PANTHER/topo.gml
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/res/shadow/shadow_client_test.yml:/PANTHER/shadow_client_test.yml
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/res/shadow/shadow_server_test.yml:/PANTHER/shadow_server_test.yml
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/res/shadow/shadow_client_test_template.yml:/PANTHER/shadow_client_test_template.yml
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/res/shadow/shadow_server_test_template.yml:/PANTHER/shadow_server_test_template.yml
          - ${PWD}/data/tls-keys:/PANTHER/tls-keys
          - ${PWD}/data/tickets:/PANTHER/tickets
          - ${PWD}/data/qlogs:/PANTHER/qlogs
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/panther_utils/:/PANTHER/panther_utils/
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/panther_stats/:/PANTHER/panther_stats/
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/panther_runner/:/PANTHER/panther_runner/
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/panther_tester/:/PANTHER/panther_tester/
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/ivy_utils/:/PANTHER/ivy_utils/
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/logger/:/PANTHER/logger/
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/argument_parser/:/PANTHER/argument_parser/
          - ${PWD}/src/panther/configs/:/PANTHER/configs/
          - ${PWD}/src/Protocols-Ivy/protocol-testing/:/PANTHER/Protocols-Ivy/protocol-testing/
          - ${PWD}/src/Protocols-Ivy/doc/examples/quic:/PANTHER/Protocols-Ivy/doc/examples/quic
          - ${PWD}/src/Protocols-Ivy/ivy/:/PANTHER/Protocols-Ivy/ivy/
          - ${PWD}/src/Protocols-Ivy/ivy/include/1.7:/PANTHER/Protocols-Ivy/ivy/include/1.7
          - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix
            ipv4_address: 172.27.0.<TODO>
        privileged: true
          - seccomp:unconfined
          - NET_ADMIN
          - /dev/shm:rw,nosuid,nodev,exec,size=1024g
          - DISPLAY=${DISPLAY}
          - XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority
          - ROOT_PATH=${PWD} 
          - MPLBACKEND='Agg'
        restart: always
          - /dev/dri:/dev/dri
          - ivy-standalone

๐Ÿ’ป Ivy Model Creationยค

Follow these steps to create an Ivy model for protocol verification:

  1. RFC Analysis: Carefully read the RFC to identify the protocol components, such as packet types and endpoints.

  2. Modeling Components: Model the identified components without the requirements initially. Focus on their fields, potential events, etc.

  3. Serialization/Deserialization: Implement serialization and deserialization functions for each event that could be transmitted over the network.

  4. Incorporating RFC Requirements: Integrate the requirements specified in the RFC with the modeled components to complete the Ivy model.